Ways to the Romanian Market
Ways to the Romanian Market

Ways to the Romanian Market

Beitrag, Englisch, Cross-Culture Publishing Ltd.

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Dr. Susanne Müller (Hrsg.)

Erscheinungsdatum: 15.01.2008

ISBN: 3939044121

Quelle: in: Management Guide ROMONIA

Aufrufe gesamt: 1249, letzte 30 Tage: 1



Cross-Culture Publishing Ltd.

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The Management Guide ROMANIA is designed for European entrepreneurs and companies with expansion intention. It presents the youngest EU newcomer as an attractive investment location. Corresponding to the title of this book series, Econonmy and Culture, the main mission of the Management Guide ROMANIA is promotion of the intercultural understanding between European cooperation partners.

Therefore the book consists of the following parts: Romania and Europe, Culture in Romania as Constitutent of National Identity, Romania - an attractive Investment Location, Management in Romania, Legal Conditions for Doing Business in Romania, Success Factors, Services

In short: The Management Guide Romania focuses to the human dimension of economic cooperation: mutual understanding as a presupposition for succcessful cooperation.

The authors are experienced German and Romanian experts, managers, entrepreneurs, consultants, professors.

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