International Management
International Management

International Management

Internationalization as an optional component of the strategy development for SMEs

Buch, Englisch, 100 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.08.2008

ISBN: 9783899758412

Aufrufe gesamt: 1006, letzte 30 Tage: 7



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Preis: Kostenlos

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No other subject in the theory of business management has attracted so much attention in science and practice in recent years than internationalization. From the company’s point of view, internationalization means a continuous alteration of basic conditions concerning international activity. There are new qualitative and new quantitative options for companies which are internationally active. Most small and medium-sized entities have to go abroad if they want to expand.

Within the scope of internationalization of competition, the conservation or extraction of international competitive advantages turns into the central challenge and elementary task of the management. Only every fourth business succeeds in this expansion.

This study is supposed to contribute to research dealing with internationalization of SMEs and tries to develop implementations of market-entry-strategies on the basis of conceptual analysis instruments. Finally, regarding the financial aspects, certain financing options for SMEs will be mentioned and analyzed which guarantee a successful process of internationalization.

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