A Full Participation Agreement On Global Emission Reduction Through Strategic Investments in R&D
A Full Participation Agreement On Global Emission Reduction Through Strategic Investments in R&D

A Full Participation Agreement On Global Emission Reduction Through Strategic Investments in R&D

Beitrag, Englisch, 15 Seiten, TU Braunschweig Economics Department Working Paper Series

Autoren: Dr. Uwe Kratzsch, Ulrike Stegemann

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: TU Braunschweig, Economics Department

Erscheinungsdatum: 2010

Quelle: TU Braunschweig, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre

Aufrufe gesamt: 1165, letzte 30 Tage: 1



TU Braunschweig Economics Department Working Paper Series

Preis: Kostenlos

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If an emission reduction agreement with participation of all players is not enforceable because politicians are too myopic or not able to commit themselves to sustainable policies or costs of reducing emissions are too high, strategic investments in research and development (R&D) of green technology, for example sustainable drive-trains, can pave the way for a future treaty. Although no player will rationally reduce emissions on its own, investments in R&D by at least one player can change the strategic situation of negotiations to control emissions: Emission abatement costs will decrease so that a treaty with full participation can be achieved in future periods through time consistent sustainable policies.


Dr. Uwe Kratzsch


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Publikationen: 9

Aufrufe seit 12/2007: 2961
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 4

Publikationen: 1

Aufrufe seit 07/2011: 10
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1