Broad mind for abroad
Broad mind for abroad

Broad mind for abroad

In the second of a fortnightly series on overcoming cultural barriers, Sergey Frank offers tips on how to prepare mentally for negotiations overseas.

Beitrag, Englisch, 3 Seiten, Financial Times Prentice Hall

Erscheinungsdatum: 18.06.2000

Aufrufe gesamt: 667, letzte 30 Tage: 1



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Even surrounded by the communications technology of the third millennium, the skills of knowing how to talk to people and get what you want from negotiations remain much as they always have. Indeed, with globalisation, they are needed more than ever. They are put to use whenever a professional is arranging to buy industrial equipment, licensing technical know-how, or negotiating mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, they are needed in medium-size and start-up companies, as well as the multinationals where they have long been nurtured.
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