Higher Profits Through Customer Lock-In
Higher Profits Through Customer Lock-In

Higher Profits Through Customer Lock-In

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Thomson South Western Educational Publishing

Autor: Prof. Dr. Joachim Büschken

Erscheinungsdatum: 31.01.2005

ISBN: 0324202652

Aufrufe gesamt: 1034, letzte 30 Tage: 2



Thomson South Western Educational Publishing

Telefon: +49-513-229-1000

Preis: k. A.

For the most part, Customer Satisfaction programs are ineffective. Companies need to strive for Customer Lock-in. Customers are locked into a company's product when the switching costs are high. This could result from the product being integrated into the companies business systems (Microsoft, SAP, etc). Thus, managers must ask themselves, "how can I increase the switching costs of my customer?" Bueschken's The Profile Consumer is Not Satisfied, but Locked In covers different strategies for locking in customers.

Prof. Dr. Joachim Büschken

DE, Ingolstadt

Inhaber des Lehrstuhls

Katholische Universität Eichstätt Wirtschaftswissenschaftl. Fakultät Lehrstuhl für Absatzwirtschaft und Marketing

Publikationen: 4

Aufrufe seit 05/2005: 822
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1