ICI-24 Design and Operation of an In-house CI Centre
ICI-24 Design and Operation of an In-house CI Centre

ICI-24 Design and Operation of an In-house CI Centre

Ausbildung / Lehrgang

Referent: Rainer Michaeli, MBA


Sprache: Englisch

Aufrufe gesamt: 1167, letzte 30 Tage: 3



Institut für Competitive Intelligence (ICI)

Telefon: +49-6033-73054

Telefax: +49-6033-74376


Preis: 1.150,-- € zzgl. gesetzl. Mwst.


Tasks, Organization, Software, Staff

ImageA CI centre is the command centre of a company. Here, enterprise wide information flows in order to make important decisions in real-time. With such a centre, a company can improve its competitiveness in a sustainable way by timely reaction to market and competitive developments and by avoiding costly wrong decisions.

To avoid set-backs with the implementation of a CI centre, consideration has to be given and optimizations taken into account with resources, design and implementation.

With a case study, the attendees will compile a concept for an in-house CI-centre and evaluate the chances of success for that concept.


Workshop foci

  • Examples of successful CI Centres

  • Role and tasks of a CI Centre

  • Forms of organisation

  • Software for a CI-Centre

  • CI staff


    More Information





Rainer Michaeli, MBA

DE, Butzbach

Gründer und Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter


Publikationen: 1

Veranstaltungen: 83

Aufrufe seit 01/2003: 5323
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1

Kein Termin eingetragen