Prof. Dr. Kurt Huebner
Prof. Dr. Kurt Huebner

Prof. Dr. Kurt Huebner

CA, Vancouver

Acting Director und Professor

Unternehmen: The University of British Columbia

Berufsgruppe: Wissenschaftler

Prof. Dr. Kurt Huebner

Expertentyp: Berater, Vortragsredner / Speaker, Autor, Sachverständiger / Gutachter, Aufsichtsrat / Beirat

Muttersprache: Deutsch

Fremdsprachen: Französisch, Englisch

Aufrufe seit 06/2004: 6664 | letzte 30 Tage: 2


1855 West Mall

V6T 1Z2 Vancouver


Telefon: +01-604-822-9439


international consulting on currency regimes, trade, climate regimes:

Professor for Macroeconomics and International Political Economy, Berlin School of Economics (on leave)

Full Professor for Political Science, Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, York University


1978, Diploma in Economics, University of Mannheim (By-subject: Political Science)

1988, PHD, Economics and Political Science, Free University of Berlin


1978/79, Researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Mannheim

1980/82, Research Assistant at the Department of Political Science at the Free University of Berlin

1982/85, Lector and member of the board of editors of ‘Journal of Critical Social Science PROKLA’, Berlin

1985/90, Assistant at the Department of Political Science at the Free University of Berlin

1990/95, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at the Free University of Berlin

1992/93, Visiting Professor for Theory of Economy and Social Space, University of Kassel

1995, Visiting Professor at the University of Economics in Vienna, Austria

1996 until current, Professor for Macroeconomics and International Political Economy at the Berlin School of Economics

1997, Fellow at the Social Science Centre, Regulation of Work, Berlin

1998/2000, Research Director of the Project ‘Ecological Modernization and National Innovation Systems: Hindrance for International Competitiveness’, financed by the Federal Ministry of Technology and Research

1998/2001, Research Co-Director of the Project ‘Global Financial Markets and Private Investment. European Perspectives on Employment and Growth’, financed by the Research Institute of the German Trade Union Federation

2002/2004, Co-Director of the Joint Institute for European Studies of York University/University of Toronto

1998/2003 Visiting Professor at the Canadian Centre for German and European Studies

2002/2003, Responsible Editor of the Working Paper Series of CCGES

2003 Coordinator of the Graduate Diploma for German and European Studies at CCGES

2003 Coordinator of West European Studies York University

2004 Acting Director of Canadian Centre for German and European Studies

Teaching Experience:

Visiting Professor, Departments of Economics and Political Science, Schulich School of Business, York University (1998-2003)

Professor, Economics, Berlin School of Economics

Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, University of Economics, Vienna (1995)

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Free University of Berlin (1985-1995)

Visiting Associate Professor, European Studies, University of Bath (International Course Program 1994)

Teaching Fields:

  • Western Europe and European Union

  • Comparative Politics

  • German Political Economy

  • Macroeconomic Theory

  • International Political Economy

  • Advisory Activities:

    Member of the Advisory Committee of the Hans Böckler Foundation of the German Trade Union Federation

    Adviser for Economic Policy for the Restructuring of Central Asia, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklung

    Member of the Commission for Social and Economic Change for Eastern Germany

    Member of the Scientific Council for the World Exhibition (EXPO) in Hannover

    Director of the Board of the German-Canadian Business and Professional Association

    Publikationen von Prof. Dr. Kurt Huebner

    Buch: 2011

    Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1

    € 102,99

    The New Economy in Transatlantic Perspective

    The New Economy in Transatlantic Perspective

    Spaces of Innovation

    Autor: Prof. Dr. Kurt Huebner

    Buch: 2005

    Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1

    Veranstaltungen von Prof. Dr. Kurt Huebner

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