Cross-Cultural Innovation
Cross-Cultural Innovation

Cross-Cultural Innovation

Results of the 8th European Conference on Creativity and Innovation

Buch, Englisch, 536 Seiten, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH

Autor: Heinz-Jürgen Boeddrich

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Bernd Jöstingmeier / Heinz-Jürgen Boeddrich

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.04.2007

ISBN: 9783486563212

Aufrufe gesamt: 2117, letzte 30 Tage: 1



Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH

Telefon: +49-89-45051-0


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Dipl.-Kfm. Heinz-Jürgen Boeddrich:


This book contains new, stimulating ideas for innovation processes based on the Eighth European Conference on Creativity and Innovation. Host of this conference was the German Association for Creativity. 130 experts on creativity and innovation from 20 nations took part in the conference. p With a special emphasis on cross-cultural innovation in particular, and on creativity and innovation in general, the authors of this book present:p " New Thoughts, Theories and Models " Empirical Research " Practical Reports from Business Experience " Practical Reports using Methods and Technology " Practical Reports from Education p Contributions to this book were made by scientists such as Prof. Dr. Ricarda B. Bouncken, Technical University Brandenburg, Planning and Innovation, Cottbus, Germany, Prof. Li Jiazeng, Southeast University, Institute of Creative Engineering and Creative Education, Nanjing, China, Prof. Dr. Susumu Kunifuji, School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Sciences and Technology, Japan, Prof. Dr. Heiner Müller-Merbach, Technical University Kaiserslautern, Business Informatics and Operations Research, Germany, Prof. Dr. Edward Necka, Jagiellonian University, Warsaw School for Social Psychology, Poland, Prof. Morio Shibayama, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan, Prof. Frido Smulders, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, The Netherlands, and others. Contributions were also made by managers, management consultants and trainers. p Aus dem Inhalt Mit Beiträgen von: Heinz-Jürgen Boeddrich, Gijs van Beeck Calkoen, Matthias Eickhoff, Christoph Jakob, Darrell Mann, Heiner Müller-Merbach, Irwin Peng, Birgit Preuß-Scheuerle, Aharon Shapira and Yoni Stern, Frido E. Smulders, Stephan Sonnenburg, Zhenlin Xu, Bernd Jöstingmeier, Ricarda B. Bouncken, Jon-Chao Hong, Chan-Li Lin, Edward Necka and Joanna Kwasniewska, Virginia Trigo, Hans-Jochen Gscheidmeyer, Mehmood Khan, Michael Niklas, Karsten Königstein, Götz Schaude, Donna Rae Smith, Monika de Waal, Herbert Weinreich, Sabine General, Gudrun Lantelme, Jon-Chao Hong, Yung-Yu Chu, Shu-Feng Hou, Ju-Hsun Hsiao, Yue-Chih Chiang, Scott Isaksen, Vanda North, Gisela Hagemann, Marcel van der Pol, Martina Schwarz-Geschka, Li Jiazeng, Beate Marcinkowska, Dorota Nawrat, Morio Shibayama and Masaharu Yano. p Zielgruppe Alle Personengruppen, die in folgenden Bereichen in der Praxis oder der Wissenschaft tätig sind: Innovationsmanagement und Ideenmanagement, Forschung und Entwicklung, Produktentwicklung, Strategische Entwicklung, Neue Geschäftsfelder, Projektmanagement, Organisationsentwicklung, Internationales Management, Weiterbildung p Über den/die Autor(en) Prof. Dr. Bernd Jöstingmeier ist Vorstandsvorsitzender des Innovationsmanagementverbandes. Diplom-Kaufmann Heinz-Jürgen Boeddrich ist Kreativitätstrainer und Innovationsberater und gilt international als Spezialist für Ideenmanagement. | zurück |

Heinz-Jürgen Boeddrich

DE, Bacharach /Taichung Taiwan


B&C International Innovation PowerDevelopment, Taichung, Taiwan Innovation Consulting, Creativity, Bridging Consulting to Asian Markets

Publikationen: 10

Veranstaltungen: 4

Aufrufe seit 02/2006: 3141
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1