High Noon in the Automotive Industry
High Noon in the Automotive Industry

High Noon in the Automotive Industry

Buch, Englisch, 260 Seiten

Erscheinungsdatum: 2006

ISBN: 3540258698

Aufrufe gesamt: 452, letzte 30 Tage: 1



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Preis: 53,45 €

The automotive markets of the industrialized world are saturated. There is no longer any growth for the "growth-minded" automotive industry. This situation is not fundamentally changed by countries like China, India, and Eastern Europe, theres markets are too small and develop their own automotive production. As a consequence, automotive industry sees a cutthroat competition, leading to an explosion of new models and rebates. This book offers an impressive analysis and gives a sound forecast for the global automotive industry in the next ten years. Expecially, the book offers a thorough analysis of the 11 big automotive companies in the world and their outlook for the future. It answers important questions:
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