IP Protection for Plant Innovation 2022
IP Protection for Plant Innovation 2022

IP Protection for Plant Innovation 2022


Referenten: Marc Cool, Dr. Sonja Woitsch, Nicolas Amelot und 14 weitere


Sprache: Deutsch

Aufrufe gesamt: 12, letzte 30 Tage: 2



FORUM · Institut für Management GmbH

FORUM · Institut für Management GmbH

Telefon: +49-6221-500500

Telefax: +49-6221-500505


Preis: k. A.


We are proud to announce FORUM Institut's 10th Conference on Intellectual Property Protection for Plant Innovation 2022 to be held 8 and 9 December 2022 in the beautiful city of Amsterdam.
The conference is the biennial venue for professionals from around the world to discuss the most important IP developments in the plant innovation sector. A panel of world-class international experts, key decision makers and leading players will focus on the most topical issues aff ecting today's IP protection for plant innovations and answer your questions. The meeting will bring together representatives from all fi elds
of practice and off ers you the unique opportunity to meet practitioners.
Mark your calendar to join us for the 10th Conference on Intellectual Property Protection for Plant Innovation in Amsterdam!


- New Breeding Technologies: patent landscape update, global regulatory overview
- Patents: native traits
- Developments from China, India and Brazil
- PVP: EDV from industry perspectives
- Nagoya Protocol, ITPGRFA: update, digital sequence information
- First-hand updates from UPOV, CPVO and EPO

Veranstaltungen: 1

Veranstaltungen: 1

Aufrufe seit 11/2022: 2
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1

Veranstaltungen: 1

Veranstaltungen: 1

Veranstaltungen: 1

Publikationen: 1

Veranstaltungen: 1

Aufrufe seit 02/2004: 411
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1

1 - 10 von 17 Referenten
Zeitpunkt Veranstaltungsort Beschreibung Kontaktperson  
08.12.2022 - 09.12.2022