Rebuilding Beirut with Alternative Fuels
Rebuilding Beirut with Alternative Fuels

Rebuilding Beirut with Alternative Fuels

MVW Lechtenberg supervises the first secondary fuel processing plant in the Middle East.

Beitrag, Englisch, 3 Seiten, pro publication, london

Autor: Dirk Lechtenberg

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.02.2007

Seitenangabe: 32-34

Aufrufe gesamt: 897, letzte 30 Tage: 2



pro publication, london

Preis: Kostenlos

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Secondary fuels have gained substantial recognition in Europe and are now used as part of the standard
fuel mix in the cement industry. What is interesting and new, however, is that secondary fuels are also popular in
countries where fuel costs are relatively low. Frequently, decisive factors contributing to the use of secondary
fuels in these countries are not only growing cost pressures but, most importantly, the fact that the use of
waste products is environmentally friendly.
Solidere (the Lebanese Company for the Development and Reconstruction of Beirut Central District s.a.l), located in Beirut, Lebanon, promotes the idea of environmentally friendly utilisation of waste products that are a significant part of its work in clearance and re-building.

Environmental friendliness is also an essential requirement for MVW Lechtenberg to meet and fulfill an order.

Dirk Lechtenberg

DE, Duisburg


MVW Lechtenberg & Partner

Publikationen: 66

Veranstaltungen: 23

Aufrufe seit 04/2006: 9345
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 5