Psychology of Intelligence Analysis (ICI-26)
Psychology of Intelligence Analysis (ICI-26)

Psychology of Intelligence Analysis (ICI-26)


Referent: Rainer Michaeli, MBA


Sprache: Englisch

Aufrufe gesamt: 662, letzte 30 Tage: 4



Institut für Competitive Intelligence (ICI)

Telefon: +49-6033-73054

Telefax: +49-6033-74376

Preis: 590,-- € zzgl. gesetzl. Mwst.


Psychology of Intelligence Analysis (ICI-26)
Techniques to avoid mistakes with information collection, -analysis, -reporting and decision making


Information for CI analysis comes from multiple sources that have different references and come in many forms of media, closeness, and familiarity to the analyst. Credibility, time sequence, and relevance of the information is difficult to determine directly and changes constantly during the course of the research. Furthermore, conflicting information as well as misinformation is part of the everyday work of a CI analyst. To be able to generate high quality results, despite these potential cognitive perception mistakes and biases, the CI analyst has to be able to reliably use preventive tools and techniques for avoiding mistakes.
If the CI analyst doesn’t arrange for precautionary measures, an opportunistic information analysis will result.
In this workshop, pragmatic strategies to prevent typical Intelligence analysis mistakes will be described and tested with numerous examples by the attendees in the exercises.

Workshop focus

  • Perceptional mistakes with information processing and analysis
    Expectation versus wishful thinking
    Dominance of mindsets
    Dynamics of information perception
  • Cognitive biases with data analysis Mistakes with the assessment of evidence
    Mistakes with the perception of cause and ef­fect
    Mistakes with the estimation of probabilities
    Blind spots
  • Mistakes with Intelligence reporting
    Deliberate and unconscious manipulation of results
    Basic principles of reporting
  • Typical decision making mistakes
    Why even intelligent people can make blatant and wrong decisions
    Lessons learned from completed CI projects (feedback and perfor­mance measurement)
    Deliberate and unconscious manipulation of results
    Basic principles of reporting
  • Methods to avoid typical Intelligence mistakes Analysis of competing hypotheses (ACH)
    Mental tool kits
    Check lists

Rainer Michaeli, MBA

DE, Butzbach

Gründer und Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter


Publikationen: 1

Veranstaltungen: 83

Aufrufe seit 01/2003: 5323
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1

Kein Termin eingetragen