18th EBS Symposium - People – Nature – Money - Balanced world or resource crisis?
18th EBS Symposium - People – Nature – Money - Balanced world or resource crisis?

18th EBS Symposium - People – Nature – Money - Balanced world or resource crisis?

Kongress / Tagung

Referent: Michael Ricks


Sprache: Deutsch

Aufrufe gesamt: 379, letzte 30 Tage: 2



ebs European Business School Schloss Reichartshaus

Preis: k. A.

The EBS Symposium took place from the 20th to the 22th of September 2007 for the 18th time on the premises of the European Business School (EBS). Almost 1200 participants had the opportunity to discuss and get in touch with over 200 company representatives, 55 speakers and the patron Dr. Thomas Middelhoff (Arcandor), thereby focusing on the topic: "People – Nature – Money, Balanced world or resource crisis?"
The partnercountry of the 18th EBS Symposium was Russia. The featured dinner speaker was Michael Ricks.

Veranstaltungen: 2

Aufrufe seit 01/2009: 990
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 1

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