PharmaFORUM Webcast Biologics Downstream development (late stage)""
PharmaFORUM Webcast Biologics Downstream development (late stage)""

PharmaFORUM Webcast Biologics Downstream development (late stage)""


Referent: Jessica Stolzenberger


Sprache: Deutsch

Aufrufe gesamt: 3, letzte 30 Tage: 1



FORUM · Institut für Management GmbH

FORUM · Institut für Management GmbH

Telefon: +49-6221-500500

Telefax: +49-6221-500505

Preis: 1.800,-- € zzgl. gesetzl. Mwst.


Do you work with biologics? Then, we would like to invite you to join our live webcast series.
Industry and authority experts will provide you with the latest information on the current challenges in analytics, development, quality and regulatory affairs (pre- and post-authorisation phases) of biologics every monthly. Most webcasts are specifically focused on CMC while addressing topics at the interface Quality and Regulatory Affairs.
You will meet our experts in a virtual conference room and share your experiences live. Each meeting will be held as a 1.5 to 2-hour webcast, presenting the latest news with supporting presentation slides. To be best prepared, you will be able to download the complete presentation documents prior to each webcast.
Are you unable to attend one of the webcasts? No problem! Following each live meeting, you will be able to retrieve the recorded webcast (audio track and presentation) from our eLearning Centre, using your personal password. This allows you to review each presentation at any time and as often as you like.


- Late Stage Entwicklung
- Stage I Validation


Zeitpunkt Veranstaltungsort Beschreibung Kontaktperson  
01.05.2019 - 31.05.2020