The Fullerene Patent Landscape
The Fullerene Patent Landscape

The Fullerene Patent Landscape

Beitrag, Englisch, 10 Seiten, Network Computing

Autor: Dr. Stefan Rolf Huebner, Patentanwalt, European Patent Attorney

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Richard Michalitsch, Christian Kallinger, Yves Verbandt, Victor Veefkind

Erscheinungsdatum: 01.04.2008

Quelle: Nanotechnology Law & Business, spring 2008, volume 5, number 1, pages 83-94

Seitenangabe: 85-94

Aufrufe gesamt: 2303, letzte 30 Tage: 3



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The Fullerene Patent Landscape in Europe

Richard Michalitsch, Christian Kallinger, Yves Verbandt,
Victor Veefkind, and Stefan Rolf Huebner


Fullerenes, spherical clusters of carbon atoms, are one of the more mature “building blocks” in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Potential commercial applications of fullerenes range from therapeutics to displays to solar cells. Over the last two decades, substantial investments in research and development of fullerenes and fullerene-based products have resulted in large numbers of patents and patent applications.

In this article, Richard Michalitsch and his colleagues of the European Patent Office's Nanotechnology Working Group, together with the European Patent Attorney Stefan Rolf Huebner, provide an overview of the European patenting activities related to fullerenes. They explain the trends in fullerene patenting over time, provide an overview of the fullerene patent landscape, describe specific types of fullerene patents, and identify the key patent holders.

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