The triumph of moral hazard
The triumph of moral hazard

The triumph of moral hazard

Newsletter, Englisch, LONG-TERM-INVESTING Research AG

Autor: Karl-Heinz Thielmann

Erscheinungsdatum: 04.11.2013

Aufrufe gesamt: 197, letzte 30 Tage: 2



LONG-TERM-INVESTING Research AG Institut für die langfristige Kapitalanlage

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Despite moral hazard being identified as one of the main reasons for the financial crisis, no serious efforts have been made to tackle it on financial markets. The link between risk-taking and the penalty for failing remains broken. Bankers still have an economic incentive to cause harm to their customers with intransparent products.

Karl-Heinz Thielmann

DE, Karlsruhe (Baden)


LONG-TERM-INVESTING Research AG Institut für die langfristige Kapitalanlage

Publikationen: 42

Veranstaltungen: 1

Aufrufe seit 03/2013: 5533
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 17