Audio-Branding 2009
Audio-Branding 2009

Audio-Branding 2009

Brands, Sound and Communication

Buch, Englisch, 280 Seiten, Reinhard Fischer Verlag

Autor: Dr. Ralf Sieckmann

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Bronner, Hirt

Erscheinungsdatum: 30.11.-1

ISBN: 3889274501

Aufrufe gesamt: 9440, letzte 30 Tage: 13



Reinhard Fischer Verlag

Telefon: +49-89-7918892

Telefax: +49-89-7918310

Preis: 39,-- €


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 Audio Branding, also known as Sound Branding or Sonic Branding, describes brand communication through sound, using brand sound elements like an audio logo, a brand song or a brand voice. So far, brands have spent a lot of time and money on visual branding while sound hasn’t been treated as a brand element that needs to be designed. The emerging of new media and devices with built-in audio delivery, such as podcasts, audiobooks, smartphones, expands the opportunities for Audio Branding but also increases the risks of causing noise pollution and a sonic mess. Consequently, the use of sound in brand communication demands careful attention. The articles in this book deal with functions of sound, the basics and principles of brand communication and Audio Branding, multi-sensory aspects of brand communication and legal matters concerning sound marks, among others. In case studies on projects with international brands, leading experts provide insight into what Audio Branding actually means in practice. This compilation is based on the German publication Audio-Branding that was released in 2007.

Chapter on Sound Trade and Service Marks – Legal aspects  by Ralf Sieckmann 

1. Introduction
2. What are the preconditions for registering Sound Marks?
2.1 The graphical representation approach in the European Community and related countries
2.2 The descriptive representation approach in the United States and related countries
2.3 The approach using representation and description
2.4 Countries which did not allow registration of sound trade and service marks
3. Clearance of sound trade and service marks
4. Example (attempted) registration of Tarzan yell in the US, Hong Kong and at OHIM

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Dr. Ralf Sieckmann

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