The essential toolbox for Performance Measurement & Monitoring in the SME
The essential toolbox for Performance Measurement & Monitoring in the SME

The essential toolbox for Performance Measurement & Monitoring in the SME

eBook, Englisch, 23 Seiten, Carlo Scodanibbio Industrial Consultant

Autor: Dr. Carlo Scodanibbio

Erscheinungsdatum: 2008

Aufrufe gesamt: 1288, letzte 30 Tage: 2



Carlo Scodanibbio Industrial Consultant

Telefon: +27-21-4249556

Preis: Kostenlos

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An e-course designed to enable enterprises to learn how to "measure" and "monitor".<br><br>
*to provide simple, basic techniques and tools to understand, assess and measure Performance and its main short, medium and long term components (value-added, productivity, output quality, profitability.... climate, image, reputation, culture....) and to provide as well basic Indexing Methods and graphic tools, suited to monitor "at a glance" the essential parameters of an enterprise's Performance<br><br>
*to illustrate practical and simple methods to put into strict relationship the Value being generated by the enterprise with the associated overall costs, supplying basic hints for maximising the former and minimising the latter<br><br>
*to provide basic tools to monitor all productivity and quality-related parameters in real-time at all times<br><br>
*to show the main steps of a subsequent path to Performance improvement<br><br>

by Carlo Scodanibbio


Dr. Carlo Scodanibbio

ZA, Cape Town

Carlo Scodanibbio Industrial Consultant

Publikationen: 9

Veranstaltungen: 4

Aufrufe seit 12/2008: 1664
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 6