Der Wert von Corporate Brands - Welche Zielgruppe entscheidet?
Der Wert von Corporate Brands - Welche Zielgruppe entscheidet?

Der Wert von Corporate Brands - Welche Zielgruppe entscheidet?

Beitrag, Deutsch, 9 Seiten, planung & analyse

Autor: Dr. Jürgen Kumbartzki

Herausgeber / Co-Autor: Franzen, O.

Erscheinungsdatum: 2004

Aufrufe gesamt: 490, letzte 30 Tage: 1



planung & analyse

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Dr. rer. pol. Jürgen Kumbartzki:


planung & analyse:


The value and the positioning of corporate are stamped by four target groups, the customers,  the employees, the shareholders and the public.

Till now no common position for the  meaning of the four stakeholder groups for corporate brands is represented in the marketing  science. In the context of an international empirical study with opinion leaders the role of the  different stakeholder groups is worked out with the help of causal models.
After first  knowledge the shareholders or the public probably play a less important role in the  communication of corporate brands than the customers or the employees.

This fact also has  to be reflected in the assessment of corporate brands. Models which are going to value  corporate brands have to analyze all four claim groups and have to regard their specific  relevance for the brand.

Dr. Jürgen Kumbartzki

DE, Heidelberg


TAIKN Strategische Markenberatung

Publikationen: 13

Veranstaltungen: 1

Aufrufe seit 11/2009: 2685
Aufrufe letzte 30 Tage: 2